Monday, December 9, 2019

Use of Online Social Networking in Workplace-Samples for Students

Question: Disucss about the Use of Online Social Networking in Workplace for Employee Communication. Answer: Introduction: In this modern era of technology, communication method is not only face - face, or through any type of phone call or e-mail. As social media has grown out to be one of the key methods of communication be it for business or for any personal criteria. One can define social media as computer- mediated technology that helps in the facilitation for the creation and sharing of ideas, information, interest and other forms of expressions through virtual networks (Vernuccio, 2014). In the context of business communication, web based social networking can be used for various roles be it in the form of company to customer communication or employee to employee communication in a company (Jussila, Krkkinen Aramo-Immonen, 2014). Discussion: Employee Communications in a Social Media-Driven World: The blog is by Lisa Eifert dated May 17th, 2016. The blog states that there is a certain taboo on the use of social media in a workplace but proper wielding of social media can provide a positive result. That for direct employee communication through social media one must keep in mind a few guidelines like there are specialty social media tools that will enable more precise communication. One must not solely depend on social media as the primary means of connection use of face to face meeting and phone calls should be used. Social media helps in building engagements as an informative article will have more viewership when shared on Facebook. ("Employee Communications in a Social Media-Driven World - One Call Now", 2017). This resource is a website. Seven Ways to Use Social Media for Employee Communications: The article is by Liz Taurasi dated 6th July 2015. The Article highlights how one can utilize social media for workplace communication in seven ways. It states that regular organizational communications may be done on Facebook pages where notices are sent about meetings, approaching deadline and more. Yammer is also used as it provides instant chat services for internal communication to a company board or a localized team and all of this happens in real time. Twitter is a viable platform to share short burst of relevant information with the employee network or wider audiences. LinkedIn is also used to manage employee and share internal events (Taurasi, 2017). By using blogging as a native mechanism HR can communicate with employees with various posts. Social media platforms like periscope are changing the way of training through remote access in real-time. Through YouTube, companies can utilize video training in private channels (G, 2015).The resource is from a website. Using Social Media for Work: In the following study, the writer researched whether representatives of an organization were utilizing social networking for work purposes, and what factors increases the usage esteem and is the spike in usage somehow related to the performance. A survey of 1799 representatives of an insurance company was assembled to inspect the general effect of social networking on work and performance. The results hence confirm that social media has widespread use in work and employees use it extensively no matter the age. It was additionally concluded that both utilitarian and hedonic esteems have leverage on the use of web based social networking. The study affirms that there is an essential connection in use between online social networking and work execution (Leftheriotis Giannakos, 2014). The asset is a scholarly source. Social Media Use in the Workplace: Use of social media in a workplace may have a simultaneous contribution towards productivity and also lead towards unproductive behaviors. In this article, the authors examined in general the effect of using online networking on a company level. By applying a specimen sample of over 220 working representatives the authors analyzed the effect of the utilization of social networking and accomplished that the variable intensities in of use in social networking contributed in a superior work oriented behavior, more relationship building conduct and deviant behavior in web based networking. The results also determined that being preoccupied with social networking sites has great diminishing effects on the utilization of social networking media on both the aspects of productivity and un-productivity. (Carlson et al., 2016). The resource is an academic journal. Social Media in Organizations: This study contends with the fact that online networking is of extraordinary significance in organizations in current communication process because of the way that they afford some behavioral traits that were deemed to be difficult to achieve before the use of these new advancements in the workplace. The investigation revels utilization of web-based social networking in organizations uncover four consistency affordances namely visibility, ability to edit, association and persistence. To illustrate the point the study theorized many ways how these affordances may adjust socialization, information sharing and power forms (Treem Leonardi, 2013). The resource is an academic journal. Conclusion: Therefore, from the above assignment, it can be deuced that the use of social networking media in workforce communication is a very prominent and useful way of communication. That has various positives that enforce better productivity and a higher level of engagement between the employees. It is also has negatives like unauthorized exploitation, loss of productivity and more. The negatives can be eliminated with the use of specific strategies and policies that will prevent such unauthorized exploitations like activity monitoring software. It is finally concluded that social media in workplace communication is the way to go and will be more or less replacing current trends. References: Carlson, J. R., Zivnuska, S., Harris, R. B., Harris, K. J., Carlson, D. S. (2016). Social Media Use in the Workplace: A Study of Dual Effects.Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC),28(1), 15-31. Employee Communications in a Social Media-Driven World - One Call Now. (2017).One Call Now. Retrieved 2 August 2017, from G, A. (2015). Brand Love in the Digital Era: Affective Bonding through the Company Blog.Semiotics, 143-153. Jussila, J. J., Krkkinen, H., Aramo-Immonen, H. (2014). Social media utilization in business-to-business relationships of technology industry firms.Computers in Human Behavior,30, 606-613. Leftheriotis, I., Giannakos, M. N. (2014). Using social media for work: Losing your time or improving your work?.Computers in Human Behavior,31, 134-142. Taurasi, L. (2017).7 Ways to Use Social Media for Employee Retrieved 2 August 2017, from Treem, J. W., Leonardi, P. M. (2013). Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association.Annals of the International Communication Association,36(1), 143-189. Vernuccio, M. (2014). Communicating corporate brands through social media: An exploratory study.International Journal of Business Communication,51(3), 211-233.

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